easier to say than to do

Sanctification is a messy business.

This sounds, perhaps, a bit strange, because for most of us our understanding of what sanctification means would frame itself around the belief that the Holy Spirit – a pure, perfect, opposite-of-messy Spirit – indwells in our beings to bring about sanctification.

So why messy?
Well it’s not because God is messy, or even that He prefers messiness. Indeed at the largest and smallest scale points of our known universe there is mind-boggling order.
The physical laws of our universe apply consistently to massive galaxies and new ‘particles’ being discovered in the Large Hadron Collider.
The creation narrative in Genesis describes a state of reality lacking order being brought into order. It describes the passage of night into morning – darkness into light – as each day marks a stage in creation.

No, it’s not because of God that sanctification is a messy business.
It’s because sin is messy.

When I say that sin is messy I mean it in every definition of the word; it’s untidy and unruly, and it’s like mire and filth.

In Psalm 40, David writes poetically of how he has been rescued from his impossible situation as he is surrounded by enemies. Trapped, he has received revelation of the parallel between this and his sin. He is in fact more trapped by his sin.

“For evils have encompassed me
beyond number;
my iniquities have overtaken me,
and I cannot see;
they are more than the hairs of my head;
my heart fails me.”
Psalm 40:12

Sacrifices and offerings don’t cut it, won’t cut it.
Empty offerings and actions, or even sincere ones, cannot separate David from his sin – they can only help him to account for them, and make some form of payment for them.

No. His deliverance requires divine intervention. His deliverance requires sanctification.
David needs to be lifted out of his situation and then separated from his sin, and separated from his sinful flesh which is the dwelling place of all that is evil in man.

“1 I waited patiently for the Lord;
he inclined to me and heard my cry.
2 He drew me up from the pit of destruction,
out of the miry bog,
and set my feet upon a rock,
making my steps secure.
3 He put a new song in my mouth,
a song of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear,
and put their trust in the Lord.”

Psalm 40:1-2

He can’t do it by himself as he is trapped and therefore unable to do it.
We too are trapped in our sin, and we too are unable to separate ourselves from our sin, to sanctify ourselves.
God has to reach down into the miry bog, the filthy darkness full of death and decay, stinking and wreaking of death and rotting. He has to stop us sinking in so deep that we drown in our own sin, like drowning in our own faeces.

He has to do it.

“2a He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog,”
He has to take us out of the bog – He has to separate us from our sin.

“2b …and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure.”
He has to set our life on a new footing where every step we take is secure, away from sin and towards His holiness and light.

“3a He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God.”
He has to teach us to be thankful as the fruit of a heart that has truly received His mercy by His grace.

“3b Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the Lord.”
He has to teach us to live out our holiness publicly so that people will see the change and fear and put their trust in the Lord.

At some point we have to reckon with the truth that sanctification is necessary because we continue to sin. I continue to make myself god and rebel against almighty God.
At the heart of this is not a battle between ‘gods’ but a rejection in my heart of the everlasting Father who loves me and sent His Son to die for me, and whose cross is available to me daily so that His shed blood might cleanse me daily.
Every time I sin I rehearse the cross of Christ in all its gory, deathly horror, and it’s only because I refuse to take a hard look at it, refuse to look Jesus in the eye as he hangs there, that I can merrily carry on sinning oblivious to the poison which is pervading my whole being.

But God is not like me. He is so utterly other… so HOLY.
And His will is that I share His holiness (Hebrews 12:10).

So as I can’t do it, so He does it.
He dives into my miry bog and saves me from myself.
He shows me the cross and holds my heart as I look so that the fruit of my looking won’t be guilt but repentance.
He orients my steps so that my worldview is always through the lens of the cross, and as I walk, singing the new song, I am empowered to remain focussed on the cross and not focussed on me, or the thing in front of me which is utterly limited by the constraints of this world.

This is a daily reality.
Every day I am in need of being lifted out of the miry bog, and every day I need to be separated from my sin.
Every day I need the cross of Christ, and every day I need His shed blood.
Yes I am saved the moment I believe by faith and am born again, but surely I can see that I am in need of continual saving.
And as a newborn in the Kingdom of God, surely I need to learn how to live in alignment with the holiness of God, and not walking by the sinful ways of my decaying flesh, because all I know is the way of sin until the Holy Spirit indwells.

Sanctification is a messy business, but it’s also a glorious one.
I have no faith in my own power to resist the temptations in my own flesh, but I have faith in God who cannot be tempted, which is why I pray “lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil”.
I have no faith that I will continually choose God over choosing me and exalting myself, but I have faith in God who chose me before the foundation of the world and wrote my name in His book.

Even David saw this:
“7 Then I said, “Behold, I have come;
in the scroll of the book it is written of me:
8 I delight to do your will, O my God;
your law is within my heart.””
Psalm 40:7-8

How glorious that even if I fail, which I will, all that I have to do to both be saved and glorify God is to turn to Him and put my trust in Him once more.
How glorious that His law is in my heart and so I know exactly where the boundaries lie, and I know right from wrong, and so can see when I am sinning and confess, rather then grope in the darkness unaware that it is my sin that is killing me.
I cannot do it, but He can do it, and He will do it, because He is faithful to Himself and He desires that I not die in my own filth, but that I sing a song of praise as He lifts me up, washes me down, and sets me off on the right path, solid underfoot.

Sanctification is easier to say than to do, but if we trust the Holy Spirit to do it, and we put down our arms and lower our defensive walls, then He will do it for us, and then our lives will say it (and sing it) as it is being done.
The more He does it, the more we do it with Him, and the less we walk in the way of sinners, and the more we delight in the law of God as children who know how to love through obedience and trust.

Then , and only then, are we fit to obey His command,
“You shall be holy, for I am holy.”
1 Peter 1:16 (cited from Leviticus 11:44)

Sorrowful, yet always rejoicing

It’s not that I’m not sorrowful,
Or not feeling the loss
Of things, and time; I am.
It’s not that being laid low
And being held back
Have not pricked the bubble
Of my dreams; they have.
It’s not that the price I paid
To come was not high, and
For my family too; it was.
It’s not that the expectations
And hopes of others on me
Here do not weigh heavily
On my soul; they do.
And yet as I reflect and
Consider my feelings,
And look at what has been,
How my Father has held
Me close and met with me;
I see that yes, I am sorrowful,
Yet always rejoicing.

2 Cor 6:10

Written in Uganda

Reflection from Isaiah 45:7

“I form light and create darkness,
I make well-being and create calamity,
I am the LORD, who does all these things.”
Isaiah 45:7

Calamity as a creative act?
This is the ‘deeper magic’, as Aslan would put it, that gives understanding that suffering and calamity can be entirely the work of God.

Never forget that Satan is on a leash and needs permission for everything he does. Job and Luke and Revelation reveal this to us.
If Satan brings calamity it’s because God superintended and ordained it, and governs it entirely as it happens. He is NEVER absent and ALWAYS in full control.
For the sons of God, we have all the information we need in the Bible to show us God’s goodness and favour in bringing ‘calamity’ into our lives as it will always be for our training, always lead us to a place of perfect goodness free from suffering, and result in the glory of Jesus displaying radiantly in our lives with thanksgiving.

Just read the first part of Hebrews 12 and see that suffering, toil, struggle, wrestling, pain, sorrow, doubt, uncertainty etc are all in view in the context of God turning us into gold medal winners, through His discipline, BECAUSE He loves us.
He is purging, and will continue to purge our sin, and it’s a life and death struggle DAILY. Each day Christ must be crucified in our lives, and each day we must die with Him to our sin, and each day we must put to death the things of the flesh by the Holy Spirit.
Because we grip onto deadly things like love of money, sinful desires, sloth, deceit, malice, unforgiveness… God will do WHATEVER IT TAKES to remove from us this body of death.
Is it not a cause for great thanksgiving that He would dislocate our hip in order to bless us if that’s what it takes?

The implications of this ‘deeper magic’ are staggering and amazing!
If God could only use the ‘good’ things of this world and this life to bless us then that would be fine, but thanks be to God that He can use EVERYTHING to bless us in and through The Beloved.
In extremis it’s the extreme suffering and death of Himself, in His Son that gives us life and blessing. There is no eternal life or blessing for us UNLESS the Suffering Servant is crushed, according to the will of God, to take away our sin and rebellion (Isa 53).

So my prayer is this:
In calamity, thank you Jesus.
In despair, thank you Jesus.
In pain, thank you Jesus.
In suffering, thank you Jesus.
In darkness, thank you Jesus.
In sickness, thank you Jesus.
All of these serve you so that they might serve me.
Suffering serves you.
Pain serves you.
Loss serves you.
Cancer, MS, disability and all disease serves you.
Death serves you,
And will serve me to bring me to your eternal presence.
Sanctify me in your Truth; your word is Truth.

“The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.”
Job 1:21

Hand Behold Nail Behold

The Tetragrammaton, which is the four letter representation of the revealed name of God in Hebrew, was first written in an ancient form of Hebrew now referred to as Paleo Hebrew.

Paleo Hebrew, like other ancient written forms, is pictorial in nature.
This provides a meaning for words which is built up from pictorial symbols, which when combined express both a complete word and a combination of meanings.

The combined word for the Tetragrammaton – YHWH – is often translated into English as
“I Am who I Am” and expresses the eternal presence and identity of God, as well as other deep concepts as to His self-revealing nature.

When taken as individual Paleo Hebrew symbols however you get the following four representations:
Hand (Yodh)
Behold (He)
Nail (Waw)
Behold (He)

What is the significance of this?
When Jesus confronts Thomas after His resurrection He says these words to Him;
“Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve, but believe.” John 20:27

What is Thomas’ response in John 20:28?
“Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!””

This is an amazing revelation given to Thomas that Jesus is the I Am – YHWH Himself – and the root written form of this, before crucifixion with nails was invented and before Jesus was born, was…

Hand   Behold   Nail   Behold

(Thanks to John Manwell for sharing his discovery of this with me)

The meaning of the Paleo Hebrew symbols of the Tetragrammaton

The meaning of the Paleo Hebrew symbols of the Tetragrammaton


The Hebrew triconsonantal root of the word amen has the following meanings:

  • To be firm
  • Confirmed
  • Reliable
  • Faithful
  • Have faith
  • Believe

So when you say, “amen”, you are believing by faith and simultaneously affirming and confirming it to be true.
Or, put another way, it’s like saying, “I believe! Yes, I believe!”

Sabbath tomb

Why did Jesus die on the first day,
lay in the tomb on the second day,
and rise on the third day?

Why the second day?

Even in His death He remembered the sabbath to keep it holy.

As an echo of creation, where He rested on the seventh day after creation was finished, so in the tomb He rested on the sabbath because His work of the new creation was finished – “it is finished”.

Sabbath’s tomb
When you had finished
Your masterpiece of
Creation and life –
In heaven’s highest –
You rested.
When you had finished
Your masterpiece of
New creation and life –
In sabbath’s tomb –
You rested.


From the top of K2 (the world’s 2nd highest mountain), Everest isn’t all that impressive.
It’s only when you see it in the context of its height above sea level that you are suddenly hit by the magnificence and grandeur of this mountain of mountains.

So it is with us and God. Seeing God from atop our ego and pride, God isn’t that great.
Seeing God from the depths of our murky and total depravity, suddenly the greatness of God becomes too much for our darkness-sensitised eyes to look upon, and we are immediately all too aware of his grandeur, majesty and glory, and it is the most complete definition of the word ‘awesome’.

The fellowship of suffering

My beloved, it is a place of meeting. A place where you and I can come together in complete honesty and truth. Why do you want to rush this time? Am I not closer to you right now than I’ve ever been before? You call to me as though I am distant, far away, as though I need to come to you to take you out of this place. But I am here with you, and it is I who have called you to this place. This is not a place I despise because it is a place I have been to before you, a place of creation and renewal for you.

Can you trust me that I would bring you to this place, not because I am punishing you, or because I have forsaken you, or even because I delight in this place, but because I trust you. I trust you to bear this load and I trust you to seek and find deep truths in this place – to mine the depths of the riches of grace in this dark place. Only when the eyes of your heart are open and seeing, only when the ears of your soul are attentive and hearing will you discover that this is not a place of isolation, or loss, but a place of opportunity, of hidden diamonds in blackest coal, of groans of deep prayer like labour pains before something amazing and beautiful is birthed.

I promised that being with me would lead to life. Will you die to suffering so that you might live to joy, deep everlasting joy? Will you know me – really know me – in my sufferings, in my passion, in my darkest hour, so that you might share in my brightest glory, to behold me as I really am – unveiled, scarred, yet beautiful? To live in my resurrection life requires that you also die in my death. Will you share with me what I can only entrust to those whose hearts are made for this, hearts shaped for the amazing expression of joy through suffering? Will you make up for others in your body what is lacking in my sufferings so that they might know the weight and true value of my costly grace, and not seek out cheap grace as a means to an unfulfilling end?

My beloved, if you knew how much I love you, how much I value you, how much I know you, then you would know you are totally secure and in a place of complete safety. Will you remain here with me a while longer, until my work here is complete?
Will you release to me your most hidden parts, your deepest longings, your greatest dreams – will you offer to me your life plan so I can replace it with the best plan that your life could ever be?

Is it enough for you to know that I am here? Let it be enough and discover that my grace is more than sufficient.