The simple way, the simple truth, the simple life

I am the way.
My way is simple,
Not complicated.
Many walk the road
Of rules and regulations,
Rites and responsibilities,
But all you need to walk
My way is love.
If you love me with
All of your heart,
All of your mind,
All of your strength;
If you love all those
You meet along the way
With that same love,
You will always know
The way, and that
I am the way.

I am the truth.
My truth is simple,
Not complicated.
Many seek truth
In reason and reflection,
Reading and research,
But all you need to know
My truth is love.
If you love me with
All of your heart,
All of your mind,
All of your strength;
If you love all those
Who seek after truth
With that same love,
You will always know
The truth, and that
I am the truth.

I am the life.
My life is simple,
Not complicated.
Many live a life
Built on sand and uncertainty,
Unsure of who they are, or should be,
But all you need to live
My life is love.
If you love me with
All of your heart,
All of your mind,
All of your strength;
If you love all those
To whom God gave life
With that same love,
You will always know
The life, and that
I am the life.