
The bread,
The wine,
The congregated
Body of believers,
Who meet to share
His body, in body,
And drink His blood
In place of ours, not shed,
In gathering symphony
And rising chorus
As one, comes forth,
Prophetic proclamation –
“Precious death,
Your life You gave,
So that death might die,
Its grip released,
And though its barb
Will prick us all,
The sting is gone,
Forever swallowed up
In Your body,
In Your death,
The empty tomb
Is death’s reward
For trying to hold
The Son of God
And Author of life.”

“For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.”
1 Corinthians 11:26


In simple bread,
Is life and meat,
Grain once dry
And safe in husk,
Swelled and burst
In dark earth’s womb,
And quickened forth
The meal hence ground
To mix with water,
Glueing life with life.
In dark separation
And sustained high heat,
What went into the oven
Never comes out the same,
Baked for a time
In quiet stillness,
Observably waiting,
Visibly poised,
Until the sudden rise;
The metamorphosis
From soft dough
To life-giving bread,
From pale distaste
To golden appetite,
When substance remains, still,
Yet substantially changed,
From mix and contents
Into form and presence.
For now is the bread
Where before it was not,
And only in the breaking,
And taking and eating
Is the bread for life,
And the power
To release life given.
Only in the fulfilment
Of its purpose does
The bread exist as bread;
Only in the invitation
And the offer
Is the simple bread
Life and meat.

“Take, eat; this is my body.”
Matthew 26:26


I strive,
Ever stretching,
Fingers extended
Until the knuckles
Glow white
And the tendons
Ache, and tremor.
My arm draining
Out the last reserves
Of blood flow,
Losing strength,
And height,
Slowly descending
To the ground,
Hopelessly resisting
Until it lands
In perfect alignment with
My face-in-the-dirt body,
Legs long since
Given up now
Pretending to be
An anchor for the
Rest of me.
Neck craning,
Waning, losing
The fight between
Its pitiful stamina and
Gravity’s couldn’t-care-less,
Relentless pull,
Hindered by all
The seemingly
Colossal weight
Of my falling head,
Until with sudden
Jerk it gives,
And unites my face
To the dust from
Which I once came.
I thought I could
Reach, but
I have fallen
So, so short,
And with every
Fibre of me,
And all the willpower
That seemed so
God-like, I find
Myself prostrate
Across my kingdom
Of dirt; the ants
Like disloyal subjects
Marching out of step
And all over me
Hail their king not.
In the harsh
Exposure of my
Adequate inadequacy,
The sun unwilling
To shift its spotlight
Burns the shadow
Of my fallenness
Into the place where
I reached the end
Of me, where I realised
Just how much I had
Fallen short.
And then, by means
And power not mine,
And surely divine,
The respite of a cool
Shadow from a man
Stands over me.
Whoever He is,
Wherever He’s from,
He has the power
And the will
To help me and
Save me from
This desert hell.
He lifts me up,
Dusts me down,
Squares my shoulders,
And eye-to-eye says,
“Let’s go home.”

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”
Romans 3:23


Deep within,
A thought,
Or event,
Like a poker
Stirs up
The Glowing
The long
Of unresolved
Things past
Like tinder
And fuels
The flames,
The heat
And fire.
Each breath
Fresh oxygen
To increase
The burn
And heat
And fire,
Then propels
The words
Flying out
Like fiery
Seeking to
The fire,
And the heart,
In an uncontrolled
Chain reaction
Of heat
Upon heat,
Upon fire.
When the
Finally passes
The fire
Dies down
To a smoulder,
The next time
A thought,
Or event,
Like a poker
Stirs up
The Glowing

Life Rushes In

Into the still place –
The breathless,
Lifeless, emptiness,
Where the night of days
Fornever dawn,
Where death’s stiff fingers
Subdue the scene, unyielding –
Unannounced and uninvited
Life rushes in!
And out – resurrection life
That lives undying
So that when I
Breathe out my last,
The closing curtain
Does not mark the end
Of the final act, but
The beginning of when
For me, like Him,
Life rushes in.

(Easter Sunday, 8th April 2012)

We walk by faith, not by sight

We walk by faith, not by sight.
Although the road ahead
May not be clearly seen, or
Events along the way known,
Yet the destination remains
Fixed and certain – the embrace
Of the Father as He welcomes
You home, as a daughter or son.
And so we walk ever forwards,
Upwards – unstinting, unwavering,
Knowing that things yet unseen
Will come to be, and things
Now seen will pass away,
As His call goes out to us –
A lighthouse in the storm,
A beacon in the darkness.
He calls us out, and He calls
Us homeward, He knows
Our fears, and He knows
Our weak, fragile, frame.
Yet His call is certain and
He will bring us home in
Every fear and every doubt,
Each time we fall and when
We run – never forsaking us
Or leaving us lost, but
Finding us and inviting us
To ask and receive, seek
And find, knock that we may
Enter in and be received.
As we see the void in the road
Ahead we must also know
That He is the bridge.
We walk by faith, not by sight,
Hearing His voice and knowing
This – that He who called us
Is faithful, and He will do it.


From the top of K2 (the world’s 2nd highest mountain), Everest isn’t all that impressive.
It’s only when you see it in the context of its height above sea level that you are suddenly hit by the magnificence and grandeur of this mountain of mountains.

So it is with us and God. Seeing God from atop our ego and pride, God isn’t that great.
Seeing God from the depths of our murky and total depravity, suddenly the greatness of God becomes too much for our darkness-sensitised eyes to look upon, and we are immediately all too aware of his grandeur, majesty and glory, and it is the most complete definition of the word ‘awesome’.

Adoration of our triune Elohim
(Inspiration from John’s gospel)

Ah, blessèd Jesus,
You are the Word of life.
Born of woman into humanity,
You are incarnation of the Word,
Full of grace and truth.

Oh Holy Father,
By Your word,
Keep us in your Name,
That we may be one –
One like You are with the Son.

Spirit of truth,
Lead us into all truth,
Bringing continual remembrance.
Sanctify us in Your truth –
Your Word is Truth.


The little pile of fallen stones-
Broken altar to my pride
And all I had built on the
Foundations You had laid,
Lies there, desolate, fallen,
Frozen in time like a ruin
Of a place utterly brought low.
How ignorant I was to the
Diligent, persistent work
Secretly going on in my soul,
As it grabbed what was freely given
And repurposed it into an
Image of me, subtly mirroring
The work of the Master, but
Remaining a cheap counterfeit-
Standing proud like an
Emperor with no clothes.
I didn’t consciously set out
To build my own monument,
But in the deeper recesses
Of my unconscious desire
The plans were drawn up
And the work commenced
At a continuous rate, as instinctive
As the muscles which control
The heart and lungs, twitching
Without thought or choice.
What grew up there rapidly
Was the fulfilment of desires
Indulged in the absence
Of true grace and humility,
Driven on by a mistaken belief
That I knew grace and
Understood humility.
Only now, when what was built up
Has been unceremonially
Dismantled – shaken apart by
The earthquake of the revelation
Of truth of who I am,
Can I see that I am impoverished
In my knowledge and understanding
Of grace and humility, and as I look
At the ruins of my ruin all I really know
Of these two pillars of virtue
Is that I know that I don’t know
What I need to know –
That which can only come as a gift
From the One who IS grace,
And who models humility
As a natural expression of
His divine identity and image.
It is He who has gone into
The place of my spirit ahead of me.
It is He who has looked at
The conscious desire of my heart
And seen that what was
Under construction was different –
The wrong shape, and was building
Up as a heavy weight which would
Be chained to me as I became
More enslaved to my pride,
And a building too lofty to be safe
From the risk of falling in ruin.
It is He who spoke into my spirit
And caused an earthquake –
Breaking my spirit and shattering
All that is shakeable so that
Only what is true and pure
Might remain for my edification.
He broke me, not to punish me
Or to humiliate me with the
Shameful truth that I had
Built my own idol.
No – He broke me so
He can rebuild me in His image
To reflect His nature.
He broke me to rebuild me in
The shape of true grace.

Shaped for thanksgiving

It is not an end
That I would receive
You, and all the things
You give to me-
The daily blessings,
The sustained life,
My identity, my purpose,
Provision which goes
Way beyond the material
But which always meets
My needs there too.
No, there is an end
Far more glorious
And satisfying which
Can be so elusive
To my misshapen heart
That only revelation
And the experience
Of knowing it true
Would bring to me
The deeper truth
Of the glorifying,
Perfecting, completing
End of how you
Have remade me.
This end is an end
As it is preceded
By your presence,
Your provision,
Your redemption
And sanctification.
At the culmination
Of these things-
At the consummate
Moment of fulfilment,
My heart reaches out
To you in thanksgiving-
The overflow of
Its infilling and the
Perfect end to the
Perfect process which
Confirms that I am a son,
And I have the Son’s life.
As I am shaped like Him,
As I am shaped for You,
So I am, like Him,
Shaped for thanksgiving.

“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
Col 3:17

“Give thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ”
Eph 5:20