There is a Father’s heart that bears the pain of sorrow and grief.
There is a Father’s heart that breaks to see His own Son broken.
There is a Father’s heart that knows suffering as His own Son suffers.
There is a Father’s heart that cries the same tears as His own Son’s tears.
There is a Father’s heart that bleeds with the wounds of His own Son.
There is a Father’s heart that feels the pain of a mother’s broken heart.
There is a Father’s heart that cries out as His own Son cries out to the one who can save Him.
There is a Father’s heart that feels the darkness of the One who made Himself sin for us.
There is a Father’s heart that is torn as life is torn from the One He loves the most.
There is a Father’s heart that overflows with love for His obedient Son.
There is a Father’s heart that beats steadily and unceasingly even when His own Son’s heart stops beating.
There is a Father’s heart that is heavy like that of His own Son’s lifeless body.
There is a Father’s heart that forgives those who cause His pain.
There is a Father’s heart that was prepared to suffer the pain for our gain.
There is a Father’s heart that loves His Son and a Son’s heart that loves His Father.