Struggling with myself

I have noticed
That there are times
When my thoughts
And actions, the attitude
Of my heart, are
Abhorrent to me.
In those times I see
That there is still
A small yet significant
Part of me which
Is the body of death-
The lifeless life
Of the flesh, warring
With the living spirit
As it holds on
Beyond its welcome
And refuses to die.
Sin has a home there.
Temptation glides in
Arrogantly and undeterred
To lead me into a place
Of destruction, turning
My gaze upon me, by
Elevating my heart to
The position of idol-
Easily insulted,
Insulting easily.
Why am I such easy prey?
How can this being
Welcome and enthrone
The living God, and yet
Give space, time and
Vast quantities of energy
To the vile voice which
Rises up to set me apart-
Brother against brother?
I see that I have humility not,
And my poverty is my iniquity.
I must put to death
The flesh by the Spirit.
I must invest more in
Being less, having less,
So I may learn humility
From the Gentle Master
Who is humble
And lowly in spirit.
This is the real me,
Because it is the new,
Immortal me, and the
Real me who He intends
Me to be.
I must not give in – I must
Wrestle and struggle
And surrender unto Him
Until what is dead
Still holding on, will be
Dead. Only dead.