He’s alive!
What kind of life is this that dies but won’t stay dead?
What kind of life is this that won’t be governed by the rules of this world and universe?
What kind of life is this that declares, “I died, and behold I am alive forevermore”?
What kind of life is this that can be lain down and planted into the ground like a seed?
What kind of life is this that having been lain down can be taken up again of its own accord?
What kind of life is this that is broken apart so it can be shared amongst many?
What kind of life is this that is offered to you and me to live likewise?
What kind of life is this that requires me to die so I can fully live?
What kind of life is this that has already begun and will live on beyond this life’s passing?
This life is life itself.
This life holds all things in being.
This life loves life and has removed death’s sting.
This life is a person who has died to death and now lives to life.
This life demands a response from each one of us
Because He’s alive!